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Voter fraud in West VA and the death of TV

As we get set to soon vote for Obama and swear in McCain as the next POTUS I must reiterate what I have been preaching all along.  With multimedia on the rise and the dream of Dirk Halstead quickly becoming reality I have to say that it was no surprise to me that KARE11 great Brett Akagi is leaving for the world of ink stained wretches.  This is great news to those of us in the digital realm but I fear for my many friends still toting Beta-cams and XD Cams that they may get left twisting in the wind. 

Oh as for the McCain thing... I hope we don't get a repeat of '00 and '04 where Gore won the race and then Kerry won the race  and had the results of which placed on teh record in Congress AND THEN both of them let Bush run the country... I don't get it... but this is what I was referring to... In West Virginia there appears to be a little case of the voter fraud going on as people cast ballots for Democrats the computer screen switches the vote to a Republican candidate.  How wonderful.

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